142 Nonilliions degree: what would happen next?

What would happen if the temperature of something reaches to 142 nanoniliions degree Celsius?

The answer of this is weird but to prepare for it we need to start to learn about the things that happen at much lower temperature. We can begin our journey at the level of  -273.15 deg Celsius also known as absolute zero or the coldest possible temperature in the universe. In the year 2003 scientist at MIT came very close to achieving this temperature that means the coldest temperature, ever observed anywhere in the universe was actually just right here on earth in this laboratory and just nearly above it at just -273 deg (-470F) is the lowest temperature ever survived by any living thing, the cute but almost indestructible TARDIGRADE or water bear

image of tardigarde bacteria and water bear
image of tardigarde

Once we get it to little warmer at -216(357) deg Celsius, we arrive at the 
coldest planet in our solar system  Uranus, 


warmer still at  -184deg Celsius (-299f) is the average temperature at the dark side of the

dark side of moon
dark side of moon

moon and just one degree higher is the temperature where
 oxygen  start to boil. Earth is comparatively much warmer than the other planet because the coldest temperature ever recorded here naturally is -89(128F) deg Celsius taken at soviet vostok station Antarctica on July 1983.

vostok station antartica
vostok station antartica

 The lowest temperature ever recorded in USA, Alaska is -62 deg Celsius (-80F) which is even colder than the average surface temperature of the mars at -55deg Celsius (-67F).

ice melting
ice starts to melts at zero deg

 Finally at zero deg we reach to the melting point of ice and just slightly up at 13.7 deg Celsius (57F) is the lowest human body temperature. The average human body temperature is 37 deg Celsius (99F) and 45 (116F) deg Celsius is the highest recorded temperature that the person has survived. 

a seen of drought in death valley
a seen of drought in death valley

57deg is highest temperature recorded in the US taken at death valley while 71deg (160F) Celsius is average surface temperature, ever measured on our planet but there are much places in our universe that are far hotter than our earth .despite how cold is moon on the dark side, the average temperature where the sunrays falls on moon is about 101deg Celsius(214F). Despite these two apposite planets the tardigrade that i mentioned earlier could survive either of them. The highest temperature that one has survived was an amazing 151 deg Celsius (304F) but the universe is hotter than this. 

venus heat
heat venus planet

462 deg is the average surface temperature of the planet Venus, the hottest planet in our solar system, raising heat even more upto 1027deg Celsius (1881F) ,it is the temperature that we get from flames of  burning wood. 

lava eruption
lava eruption

Lava freshly erupted from a volcano can hit 1200deg (2192F) Celsius but the candle can burn even at more higher temperature upto 1400de (2552F). Eventually we reach the boiling point of sliver, iron and carbon and at 5000deg (9032F) we reach at the temperature inside the initial blast of a conventional chemical bomb. The temperature of surface of sun may seem very high at 5500deg (9932F) but the temperature inside of the earth’s core is even higher, at 6000deg Celsius (10,832F). 

nuclear explosion
nuclear explosion

But higher either of those, is the temperature of nuclear explosion which can go upto 10,000deg (18,032f) or even more but outside of the sun’s surface, the sun’s upper atmosphere can reach unbelievable 1,000,000 deg (1,800,030 F). 

sun's core view
sun's core view

Down at the sun’s core the temperature could be even more insane 15 million degree Celsius (27m F) but that’s nothing compare to heat generated from a blast of supernova. One of star enter into super nova state it heats the gas around it to a mind-blowing temperature 55 million deg (99mF). 

super nova
super nova

when smaller star collapse to form neutron star the newly born neutron core has temperature approaching  to 100billion deg ( 180,000,000,000F) which is around 6,666 times the temperature found at the sun’s core but the hottest temperature ever recorded anywhere in the universe was right back here on earth created by scientist in switzerland using  the large head-on collider. They created the extremely fast collisions of lead ions that roughly 

head on collison experiment
head on collider done on lead ions

generated a temperature of 5.5 trillion deg (9.9trillions F) that sounds like insane but it was very limited to area around where the lead ions collided but the highest possible temperature is unbelievably 142 Nonillions degree Celsius (255 n F), where our conventional understanding of physics begins to break down. In theory, there is a limit to how much energy we can put in heating something up but there is so far no scientific theory for how matter might behave after reaching this energy level. We simply don’t know what would really happen if we manage to heat something up to these energy levels but we can speculate a little. This temperature (142 nonillions) is known as Planck temperature because the radiation emitted from an object heated to this temperature will have a wavelength equal to the Planck length (=1X10 pow -35m), A distance which is unbelievably small that we don’t know how or if we can measure distances that are smaller because you will be condensing so much of energy into such a small point. 

black hole
black hole

Going beyond the Planck temperature could be enough to turn the thing that you are heating into a black hole. Creating a black hole of energy instead of mass like this is called “kugelblits”. Our maths and calculation could define what exactly would happen if we are at the Planck temperature. It may create a black hole that would instantly radiate away or could destroy the earth or may do something else completely unexpected by anybody. The mathematical models that we have discovered  so far can capable  of explaining it but if you like to take your shot out it then have to go down in history .Also You need and understand the things like calculus, quantum mechanics and general theory relativity.

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