Internet with a speed of light : forget wifi it's lifi

what is lifi a complete understamdimg
internet with light speed
We have  seen most of the data transfer in the form of wireless signals .these signals are transmitted by fibre optics cable .we have using visible light to  communicate with  other in a lot of  different ways  for a long time but  imagine  this for a sec.

 Data, flowing out of your living room like a water from a showerhead and yes it’s real and it’s called LIFI.  LI stands for light. But have you ever imagine how this would be better than the existing data transfer technology like wifi that uses radio waves. Great question isn’t it?

explaining lifi technolgy
lifi reflects back in the same medium

Well unlike the signals that makes the wifi connection that tends to spread out everywhere from the access point, visible light is easier to focus and concentrate in one area .I mean just go  outside with a magnifying glass on sunny day if don’t believe me.

burning of paper with magnifying glass
burning of paper with magnifying glass

 This makes it possible to fit a lot more data into a LIFI signal but then there may be even more questions. How would visible light transmit data anywhere? Well! , LIFI uses LED bulbs  that can be switch on or off very very quickly that  they don’t have warm up time that can be detected by the normal human eye and they appears to be continues. It is very quick waves passing in a microsecond. But the special type of receiving devices connected to your computer or mobile phones can transfer this kind of flickering into an actual data. “Here is another cool thing. Visible light is also much less acceptable to interference than the radio waves”.

Internet with a speed of light : forget wifi it's lifi

That means the communication is much faster in lifi than any other wifi communication. In fact researchers were able to achieve a speed of 122 giga byte per second and trust me that’s huge, 200 times faster than even a Google fibre optic internet connection. Beyond just high speed LIFI also promises to offer a number of other advantages. Since it only uses the visible light, the LIFI signals can’t penetrate walls offering a higher degree of privacy. That means you are safe until you are sharing the same network in the same room.

Since LIFI uses relatively inexpensive LED bulbs which consume less power than a wifi access point visible light networks could be deployed relatively cheaply using mostly existing technology. The power saving also potentially could have significant implications for global energy consumptions,If LIFI becomes a requisite as wifi. Especially, as LIFI transmitter can be dimmed to reduce bandwidth if you don’t need to download 50 movies in one second. But although the technology has a great potential it is still very experimental and we probably won’t be able to see it to hit in the mainstream market for several years.

Lifi offer the greater privacy but the disadvantage is, obviously not working in the next room over, unless you blow your light and it can also be disrupted by huge light pollution .but you know what, the biggest advantage of all is not having to shop for the routers and light bulbs separately anymore.  I hope this would be helpful for you but if you have any doubt, then 
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