Punishment of hell

Punishment of sins in hell
Many stories written in Hindu scriptures have been told about heaven and hell. According to the Puranas, Paradise is the place where the Deities live and the soul of the person doing good deeds is also found there, on the contrary, those who do bad deeds are sent to hell, where they are sent to get their punishment for whatever karma.In this book that is garur puran, it has been explained in detail about the incidents of death, the phantom folk, the Yama folk, hell and the life of hell and formation of 84 lakh wombs. According to Garuda Purana, all these punishments are given by Yama(god of death). Let's know about some such sins and their punishment that Yamraj give after human death.

Punishment 1-Tamistr

Crime - People who try to capture the property of others, such as stealing or robbing. They get punished by Yamraj in tamistr.

Penalties - In this ,they are beaten with iron straps and rods.they  Do this till the blood of that victim does not come out and he becomes unconscious.

Punishment 2- blindfold(andhamitram)

Crime- Husband /wives who do not play their relationship honestly and threaten one another, are punished with blindfoldedness.
Penalties: In Anandhamitram,the  torment is similar to Tamistr but it  binds the victim so tightly by the rope until it becomes unconscious.

Punishment 3 - Rauravam

Crime - People who enjoy the property or resources of others.
Penalties - Raoravam is punished by dangerous snakes, where a snakes named Ruru punishes them till their time gets over.

Punishment 4- Mahararovan

Crime: To destroy the property of someone else, to take possession of someone's property illegally, sip the rights of others, and abduct the property of others,to eliminate that property and family.
Penalties- Cut from poisonous snakes.

Punishment 5 - Kumbhipakam

Crime - killing animals for fun and torture them for joy.
Penalties – They are boiled in  hot oil utensils in the hell.

Punishment 6. Kaalsutram

Crime - Those who insult and harass their parents and the elders.
Penalties - In the hell, such people are rushed to the hot and torrid land and this is done according to which they have done with their old age.

 Punishment 7- Asitpatr

Crime - Abandoning their duties, not obeying God's orders and violating religious practices.
Penalties – beaten by hunter , the guards beats them  till the person becomes unconscious.

Punishment 8 - Sukrammukham

Crime - Abandoning of duties, bad governance by punishing  people, punishing innocent people and carrying out illegal activities.
Penalties - punishing such person by crushing, crushing under the animal's sharp teeth.

Punishment 9 – Darkness(andhkupam)

 crime- do not help the needy even if having a enough resources and oppress the good people.
Penalties - Throwing in the middle of wild animals, throwing them into such wells that have toxic animals like lions, tigers, eagles, snakes and scorpions.

 Punishment - 10 Agnikundam(well of fire)

Crime:-Forcibly to steal other’s property, steal gold and gems, and take undue advantage of others.
Penalties - The hands and feet of such people  are tied and baked over the fire .

Punishment-11 – krimibojanam(making the food of insects)

Crime - Humiliating guests and using others for their benefit.
Penalties - Such individuals are left in the middle of insects and snakes. snakes and insects bites them till they become unconscious.

Punishment-12 Salamali

Crime - allegedly forging immorality and having immoral relationships with whores.
Penalties - Heat the butt with iron rod and place it in genital area

 Punishment13 - Vajcakandak

Crime –forcefully making physical relationship with animals, strangers and whores.
Penalties - Embracing the statues that have  fire on it , which had sharp needles which Pierce their body.

Punishment 14- Vaetarani

Crime - taking undue advantage of their powers, committing adultery and acting against religion.
Penalties - Such a person is completely immersed in all the filth of human being, such as the brain, blood, hair, bones, nails and a river full of flesh. On top of it, various kinds of terrible animals attack.

Punishment 15-Piudakam

Crime - a man who interacts with a woman but does not marry and behaves like a beast during sexual intercourse.
Penalties - The person is left with urine, blood, mucus, poisonous insects and animals in the hell court.

16.Praanrodham(piercing of human flesh)

Crime - torture and kill animals for food.
Penalties - The person's body parts are cut off with arrow and sharp knife.

Punishment 17 visasman

Crime:-Exploit the poor by the criminal activities and not helping the needy.
Penalties - Such people are constantly beaten with a sting.

Punishment 18 Laabh bhaksham(illegal benifits)

Crime:-Lustful man / wife ,torture your spouse for unwanted orgasm. Ask for swallowing of genital fluid at the time of sexual intercourse.
Penalties- Throwing such a man into the river of semen and feeding semen.

Punishment 19- Sermesyanam

Crime-Mixing Toxic in food and poisoning others, mass slaughter,destroying the country, robbering others money, harassing homes, and massacre.
Penalties - Attacking such a person with thousands of dogs who eat their flesh and meat.
Punishment 20- Avichi

Crime- giving false testimony, taking a false oath and giving false evidence.
Penalties - Such a person is thrown from the height with the living body and suppressed in the same soil.

Punishment 21- ayumnaam(make other to drink alcohol)

Crime:-Drinking alcohol, and giving drugs to others.
Penalties :molten iron  is fed to women and men fed molten lava.

Punishment 22- Rakshabajam

 Crime:-killing animals, sacrificing man and then eating his flesh.
Penalties - such a person Is attack by all those animals that he killed in his entire life.

Punishment 23- Sullamprotam

Crime - deceiving others by harming them, killing innocent people, committing suicide and cheating the trust of a person.
Penalties - torture from a bird's beak trident, torture with hunger and thirst.

 Punishment 24-sharakmam

Crime - Insulting good people and joining in bad activities, defame elders for selfish motive.
Penalty - Hanging upside down and torturing by the evil spirits.

Punishment -25 Dandsandsum

Crime - torture others like animals.
Penalties- The animals eat them alive.

Punishment 26 – Waterrodham 

Crime- torture forests, mountains and animals living on trees.
Penalties – Tortured with fire, poison and various weapons by tying with handcuffs.

Punishment 27-pakshwstram (sideweight)

Crime:-Do not give food to the hungry person and treat him badly.
Penalties- taking out eye balls of such individuals from the bird's beak.

Punishment 28. Succhimukham

Crime - steal money ,black marketing and depositing stolen money.
Penalties – removing the nails and tongue with sharp tools, left hungry and thirsty, torture them with hunter and by putting sharp nife in mouth.

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